Riverbottom Nightmare Band - Featuring The Nightmare performing
Anal Cunt 's version from "Another EP."
The Story Behind Anal Cunt Doing this Song...
I saw this show, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, on TV when it first
came out in 1977. I thought the show sucked, except for the Riverbottom
guys (the Muppets always had good bad-guys). When The Nightmare did
this song at the end of the show, I thought it was wicked heavy and always put
up with watching the entire boring show just to see the cool ending every year.
In 1989, after taking a few years off from watching it, I saw it again and
waited for the ending...as usual. I immediately re-wrote the song (in my
head), and told original guitarist and drummer, Mike Mahan and Tim Morse, that I
thought it would be awesome for Anal Cunt to cover, and they agreed. I
didn't have a VCR back then, so I basically re-wrote the song and the lyrics
from memory. We learned it right away and recorded it in January of 1990
for our fourth record called, "Another EP," which was the final release
featuring the original Anal Cunt line-up.
From the very beginning It was hugely popular with anyone who was familiar with
the song, and we often got requests to play it live, which Anal Cunt continued
to do until 1994/5.
Then in 2008, at every show during our 20th Anniversary Reunion, featuring the
original line-up from 1988-1990, Anal Cunt closed every show with our version of
"Riverbottom Nightmare Band," complete with Seth doing the intro that the fox
did on the show (...or whatever that Muppet was. On "Another EP" I said
that it was "the frog guy with the sandwich and the Guy Lombardo" that did the
intro...I remembered it wrong.)
I still love the original version to this day, and our version too. We
re-recorded this song in 2008 on our 110 Song CD, available for limited edition
in our Merchandise area.
"We usually don't have any last minute entries, but this band came all the
way from Riverbottom...here's the rock band, The Nightmare..."
This is truly
the band at its finest kids, featuring the combined brutality of the 3
longest-running Anal Cunt members -
Seth Putnam, Josh Martin, and Tim Morse. Here they are practicing for the
WEARING OUT OUR WELCOME 2009 TOUR and playing together for the FIRST TIME EVER!
"Body by Auschwitz"
"I Like Drugs and Child Abuse"
"I Paid Jim Howell to Rape You"