for anyone who hasn’t
heard, i had a seizure, which caused me to go into a coma for
like two months. i am currently at a rehabilitation hospital
trying to get better. i guess my coma was really bad – i almost
died, and when i survived the doctors wanted to pull the plug on
me because they thought i was going to be a vegetable for the
rest of my life. i also had really bad pneumonia and i had to be
put on dialysis for kidney failure. i overcame all that shit,
though, and i am totally fine again mentally. the only problem
is i can’t walk or use my hands properly, but i am working on
all that and coming along well. so, i am here at the hospital
watching gay t.v. shows all day, eating horrible hospital food,
trying to scratch myself in places I can’t reach, and taking as
many pain killers as possible. hopefully i will be out of here
in a couple of months.
the Anal Cunt / damien storm shows didn’t happen because i was
comatose. hopefully, we will make them up at a future date. full
blown aids didn’t record either. we’ll get around to it
eventually. AxCx. and you’re fired will both be working on new
albums soon.
top 40 hits is now available for download. when i get home, i
will try to get some demo stuff up on the site. i haven’t been
able to answer any emails, but i will try and get back to people
eventually. that’s it for now. i’ll do another update when
something interesting happens.
i never get near a computer anymore. so it's been hard to update
this thing, as well as change the downloads. here are some dates
(Damien Storm goes on 1st at this show,AC second. check
out for additional door and
band info)
i think it's in a part of the webster theater called the "webster
underground". i'm not really sure. i don't have all the info for
this. i don't even have time to really do this update properly.
i'm sure some fags on a dumb message board somewhere will be
talking about these shows eventually. here's the schedule they
gave me for the webster theater show. try and get more info
somewhere before going. i know they have a website somewhere, i
don't have time to check into it.
6:30-1st local
7:15-2nd local
8:00-3rd local
9:30-Nasty Disaster
10:15-Damien Storm
it's been a while since i've been able to do a proper update.
i've been having problems with getting computer access. one
reason is i work a real lot, and barely have time to do anything,
and the other is it seems like everyone's computer that i
usually use (i don't actually have one) has been fucked up
lately, with a virus, or some other gay computer problem. i also
haven't really been keeping up with the emails as much as i've
wanted to. hopefully, i'll be able to from now on.
that upsidedown cross show i mentioned in the march 16th update
never happened. the fat cunt douche bag bartender there at
o'briens said if i set foot in the place, i'd be arrested. if
you are stuck going to that gaybar-in-disguise, i'd suggest not
tipping her, and spilling as many other peoples drinks on her as
possible, as well as calling her a fat jew cunt.
at end of may, i played a couple shows in didn't get a chance to
mention on the site due to computer problems. some hall in
boston had a 3 day hardcore fest happening. on the second day,
you're fired played (a band i play guitar in), and the 3rd day,
i played guitar for a one-off proclamation reunion. proclamtion
is a boston straight-edge band (yes, you read it right, i played
guitar in a straight edge band) that the singer for you're fired
was in before you're fired started. they broke up a while ago,
and have done a couple reunion shows here and there.
i'm trying to keep up with changing the download section every
month. this month is all stuff by Anal Cunt with the lineup of
me/josh martin/john gillis (except the 2 songs from the "13
bands who think you're gay" comp, i couldn't get it on cd to the
webmaster on time). keep an eye out for a "one hour only"
download each month. i'll put something super rare that i never
thought i'd allow people to hear every month, or at least every
other month. if you are new to these updates, basically, i am
gonna try and have everything i've ever recorded available for
download here eventually. i don't have it all up at once because
there are too many recordings to fit on at once. if anyone has
any suggestions for future download concepts, feel free to email
me. the reason i put the stuff on that i did this month was
because someone mentioned they'd like to get to download the
split w/ flachenbrand, so, i do pay attention to suggestions. i
also hope to have videos available for download as well, it's
just hard for me to get 2 vcr's together. if i haven't mentioned
it already, the webmaster lives in norway, so, it's not like we
hang out all the time of something.
AxCx. , with current (and hopefully, final) lineup of me/john
kozik/john gillis have been rehearsing regularly. we hope to
start doing shows again around october. rumor has it we will be
doing some shows around the northeast with horror metal legend,
damien storm around that time. i'm hoping to record a rehearsal
around september, and have it available for download in october.
we'll see how it goes. we are hoping to start working on new
material for a new cd at the end of the year, and recording
sometime next year. no label yet. we will probably release it
ourselves since just about every label seems to be run by the
worlds biggest kikes.
me and mike williams (eyehategod singer) have been talking about
doing a band, and recording a record of all anti-cop songs. we
were emailing each other about our recent cop problems, and came
up with the idea. if any labels are interested in financing
something like this, please contact me.
impaled northern moonforest update: the new record
is.........................not done yet >: { (
i've recently remembered why i don't do interviews anymore. i
got one in particular recently by some fag (dear fag, i will be
emailing you personally about this soon. i don't have the time
to waste on you right at this moment), and he sends me multiple
emails asking for a free cd, as if 1) i have tons of cd's lying
around to give to any asshole who sends a stupid interview, 2)
he's doing me a huge favor by wasting my time answering his
stupid questions, 3) answering the interview does me any good in
the first place, etc. so, bascially, if you're doing a fanzine/webzine/whatever,
i'm not interested in doing an interview. i don't care about
extra "publicity".
also, i get a bunch of emails from people wanting to send me
music from thier band. i'm not interested in hearing it. i don't
have a way to listen to music on a computer, and i rarely listen
to music in the first place. example: i moved about 6 months ago,
and i haven't even bothered to set my stereo up yet. the rare
occasions i actually listen to something, i'd rather hear
something i like. i'm not being a dick, i just know i won't like
it. if anything, i'm saving you $ on materials and postage.
also, i am still not interested in doing split 7"s/cd's/etc with
any bands that i don't know.
i recently got new t-shirts done. all the shirt $ goes directly
to financing this website, so you aren't subjected to annoying
ads. i have all sizes available (s/m/l/xl/xxl), and plenty
available. so, you don't need to email me to reserve one. they
look like the shirt in the shop right now (front of the shirt),
except the back is different, it has that Anal Cunt logo with
dismembered female body parts on it. i need to mail one to the
webmaster so he can put a picture of it in the "shop" section.
so, if you want one, send $15 if you live in america, or $20 if
you live in another country (this price includes postage) to:
seth putnam
p.o. box 650101
w. newton, ma
ATTENTION MORONS: make sure you enclose a note saying what size
shirt you want. some retards have sent $, and not even enclosed
a note saying what they want. also, (this includes non-morons
too) please try and make your handwritting legible, especially
when you write the address you want it sent to.
special thanks to the 3 people who sent donations for the
"getting totally fucked over by the cops" fund. they totalled
$35. it might not seem like much to you, but it helped me out
when i was totally broke. thanks to t.l. in MO (i think it was
MO), m.m. from MA, and t.n. (i think it was t.n.) from AZ. if
anyone else still wants to contribute, send the $ to my address
above. the whole story about the cops is in an earlier update.
there will finally be a "photo" section on here (it might even
be up by the time you read this). i only have some up for now, i
have tons more to put up, but i only have time to scan about 10
or so a week.
josh todd - hard rock cafe, boston, earlier this year.
i like 3 songs from the second buckcherry cd, "time bomb", a
real lot. josh todd is the singer from buckcherry. they broke
up. i got to see them once, but i got myself throw out during
the second song because i had to go to the hospital due to a
shooting up mishap the night before, so i couldn't stay for the
whole show, my arm looked like shit. i said to myself, "i'll get
thrown out during the song whiskey in the morning".
unfortunately, they did that song second. so, still feeling
cheated i never got to see the whole show, and hoping he'd do
songs i'd want to hear, i went to go see him. his new band look
like the most generic nu-metal/wigger/whatever those kind of
people are called these days. i really was hoping i'd like his
new band, because i barely like anything, and it'd be cool to
have something new to listen to. if you added up the time of all
the good sounding parts of his whole set, you have about one
minute worth of material. it's too bad, he has a good screaming
voice when he wants to. one especially gay part was the generic
"saying something you know the crowd will agree with" stage line
"does anyone here like to get wasted"? earlier in the show, i
looked behind the amps, and all around the stage to see if
anyone had any beer or booze bottles near them, and all i saw
were water bottles. josh todd made a big deal out of saying how
he doesn't drink anymore, because he's a "professional singer".
so anyways, they did the only real buckcherry hit song, "lit up"
(you know, the one with the "i like the cocaine..." chorus and
the same exact music as "shock me" by kiss), BUT, it had
different, gayer, more wiggernumetaledout music. so, the show
sucked, and these 4 gay hippie types were dancing up front the
whole time. after the show, he was signing autographs at a
table, and i talked to him for a couple minutes. we were getting
along great until i said to him "you know the music to evey
buckcherry song is stolen from some other song, right"? he got
all pouty, and won't talk to me anymore. before that, he also
told me he still doesn't drink. what a fag. i can't belive the
guy who wrote one of my favorite songs, "whiskey in the morning"
still doesn't drink. at least i didn't have to wonder if the
show was any good or not if i didn't go. i've been able to
overlook everything gay about him (dumb tattoos, stupid face,
using the word "phat" in a song, WICKED GAY clothes, etc.), but
i've had enough of seeing what he does from now on, and will
settle for listening to the 3 songs i like on that second
buckcherry cd.
you got served - movie, starring jackee, the most un-black black
girl ever, tons of blacks, a couple wiggers
one of the greatest movies ever. it's like an even stupider
"breakin' two, electric boogaloo". i bought the dvd the day it
came out it's so great. i finally got to see it when i was
visiting some friends down in texas last march. i laughed my ass
off during the whole movie. if you think the whole "hip-hop
culture" is fucking hilarious, i HIGHLY recommend this movie. me
and my friend were laughing so hard at (by the way, we were the
only 2 whites there) the dumb ebonic lines they were saying, and
other dumb black stuff, and the blacks were looking at us like
they couldn't understand what we were laughing about. i guess
for once, a couple whites were loud and obnoxious at a black
movie, instead tons of big-mouthed niggers babbling through a
movie i'd want to see. i even got the people in the theater to
start a "served" chant at the end. i haven't had that much fun
at a movie probably ever. after watching the movie on dvd
somewhat sober (i was totally wasted at the theater), i said to
myself, "there's no way a black person wrote this movie". then,
at the end, they showed the director (who also wrote this
masterpiece). at first glance he looked white, but upon further
inspection, he looked like he's probably jewish. either way, a
leroy didn't write the movie. i can't say enough good things
about this movie. i don't want to spoil the plot for you, so,
get all fucked up and get this movie, NOW!
some show with that cunt gina gershon's band going on tour - ifc
(cable network)
there is this (i think) 6 part series about that douche bag,
gina gershon, going on tour with her stupid band to promote some
flop movie she stars in and produces. the first episode of the
series was hilarious. she's such a usless cunt, and she makes a
point of all her celebrity pals coming to her show (lenny
kravitz.chris rock,etc). she is probably the WORST singer i've
ever heard (yes, even worse than me), and they did the most
generic songs possible, like "i wanna be your dog", and i forget
the others. she spends most of the time exploiting her
friendships, and even carrying around an urn with a dead friend
of hers ashes in it. it was really funny the first episode. the
second episode was totally boring, and they never showed any of
the other ones, probably because it was so awful. she spends a
lot of time doing her stupid pouty face she does too. there were
some other dumb parts worth mentioning, but i've lost interest
in writing about it. like i said before, she's a useless cunt.
i think that's about it for now. i'll try and keep doing a
regular update and download every month.
i haven't been able to get near a computer
lately, and i don't have much time now, so this'll be short.
when i have some more time with computer access, i'll do a full
update, i have a lot of shit to blab about. anyways, i probably
won't be able to find out right away if there are any problems,
but i asked the guy who does my website to change the download
section. mostly, because some jew on the inm message board wants
to sell tapes of the super rare "howard is bald" ep, and i'd
rather have it available for free for all of you, so, the
concept for this batch of downloads is "Anal Cunt stuff scott
hull played on". what i'm hoping will be available is: 1) the
"40 more reasons to hate us" cd 2) the "howard is bald" ep 3)
the AxCx. song from the smiths tribute cd 4) the AxCx. song from
the "two turds and a golf ball" cd comp. anyways, if one of
these things don't appear on the download thing, it's because
the website guy probably doesn't have the material handy or
something. i'll find out later. i at least wanted to get
something new up there for you guys. i'll try and get the new
update on a.s.a.p. .
i'm playing guitar for upsidedown cross again.
larry threw everyone out (cheez, and whatever
nobody/newguy/sidesmen who thought they were in the band), and
the current lineup is:
larry lifeless - vocals
seth putnam - guitar
paul kraynak - bass
brad - drums
we will be playing at o'briens (3 harvard ave., allston, MA) on
march 28th. and kevorkians angels are playing also,as well as
others i never bothered to find out. this will be the first
upsidedown cross show in about 3 years.
it's been forever since i've been
able to do a proper update, between being busy/sick/out of the
country/ or just plain drunk and lazy, and haven't been able to
get this fucking thing together yet. i'm gonna break down what
happened by the previous months (Anal Cunt stuff only):
Anal Cunt played our first show back together with the lineup of
me/john kozik/nate linehan opening for superjoint ritual, morbid
angel, and devildriver. the show went well, and phil from
superjoint ritual joined me onstage for 3 songs, "you look
divorced", "trapped", and "get out" (vaginal jesus cover song).
sometime after we played, i was walking around outside, and saw
nate getting beaten up/arrested by some cops. i asked them what
they were arresting him for, and the cop said "arrest him too".
when i get arrested for something i actually do, i just shut up,
and wait to see what happens. when i get arrested for something
i didn't even do, and i'm drunk at the same time, i tend to be a
total asshole to the cops. i proceded to call the cops a bunch
of "fucking jew pigs" a million times, and other similar
sounding comments, having to do with them being jew pigs. this
got them even more pissed off. when i was in the holding cell,
one cop came in for the sole purpose of beating me up some more
while my hands were cuffed behind my back. then, some other cop
(who was literally jewish) came to the holding cell saying
"who's the one saying shit about jews", i said "me", he said his
last name was rosen-berg-kike-witz, or something like that, and
i said something like, "good for you, kike", which seemed to
piss him off, but i think he had something else to do, and
didn't have the time to beat me up. we got put in our seperate
cells, and released on bail around 1 am, but, i was still pissed
off, and started calling them a bunch of "fucking pigs" as i
left the pigpen (or police station, whatever they call it), so,
they ran out, cuffed me again, and threw me back in jail, which
is a new record for me, getting arrested twice in one evening.
to make it more ridiculous, the charge i got arrested for this
time was "trespassing" (!!!). they said i could get bailed out
again around 4:30. it got to around 5:00, and they let everyone
else go excpet me. i was totally pissed off, and worried about
whether i'd actually get released or not. they came back around
15 minutes later to get me, just to torture me and make me
believe i wasn't gonna be let out (it worked, i thought i'd be
stuck there for a while). the cop told me to keep my mouth shut,
and i got my stuff, and left. it totally fucking sucked. all
because i asked why nate was getting arrested. so, eventually,
i had to go to court. the prosecutor wanted me to go to trial,
but i talked him into letting me pay a fine, which ended up
being fucking $850 ! i knew if i went to court, i'd get fucked
over, especially after calling every cop in worcester a "fucking
jew pig". the prosecutor told me i was looking at jail time,
because of my previous record. i figured if any of those cops
were pals with the judge, i'd be going to jail, so, i paid those
fucking assholes $850. someone mentioned this to me, so, i'll
mention it to you fine people. if any of you would like to
contribute to my "getting totally fucked over by the cops" fund,
any donation would be appreciated. send cash/check/money order
seth putnam
p.o. box 650101
w. newton, ma
so, we played another show in boston a couple days later, with
adolf satan, and a couple terrible local bands. mark fields from
you're fired joined us onstage, and did backup vocals for all
the songs that needed backup vocals, and we ended with 5 vaginal
jesus covers for an encore.
some other stuff might have happened that month.
john from AxCx., live in worcester, november 7th,
2003 |
nate from AxCx., live in worcester, MA, november 7th,
2003 |
seth with phil anselmo from superjoint ritual during
AxCx. show, november 7th, 2003, worcester, MA |
seth during AxCx. show, worcester, MA, november 7th,
2003 |
i think we played in new jersey that month, as well as a last
minute show at the choppin' block pub in boston. i don't
remember either show.
i got really sick on christmas, and felt like total shit for
over 2 weeks.
well, the big tour that brought us (Anal Cunt ) back together
finally happened, the napalm death/nasum/Anal Cunt /pig destoyer
japan tour. it ws probably one of the best, if not THE best
tours we've ever done. john kozik said it was the best Anal Cunt shows he ever played, and it's been at least the best i've
played in over 10 years. we were all pumped up for each show,
and we played really well.
seth during Anal Cunt show, worcester, MA, november
7th, 2003 |
review of the other bands:
local japanese opening bands: i didn't really watch them
pig destroyer: it was cool hanging out with scott hull again.
p.d. we're the coolest/funnest band to hang out with, and we had
a good time together. i'm not really into their music though.
nasum: the bass player was the coolest guy. i never heard them
before this tour, i wasn't really into them.
napalm death: most of you know i haven't had anything good to
say about n.d. in years. but, they actually played and sounded
really good, the best i've ever seen them (i've only seen them
as far back as 1989, they never played here when lee & bill were
in the band). i never mentioned it earlier, but it looked like
we were gonna get kicked off of this tour a few months ago.
barney (n.d. singer) emailed me concerned about me being too
racist, we emailed back and forth a few times, and it ended with
him bascially just asking me not to be racist around them, which
is fair. it's better than being stuck at my job for another
week. we actually got along really well, and they were cool
guys, and i was surprised how good they were (playing wise),
they've really improved a lot. oh yeah, jesse (one of their
guitarists, they have 2 of them), didn't make the tour. he's got
some kind of problem or something, i'm not sure what the whole
deal is, but they sounded fine without him.
AxCx. rocking out in tokyo, january 12th, 2004. |
seth and old pal, brian "unk" hunter. unk is on the
left, seth on the right. tokyo, january 12th, 2004 |
AxCx. live in tokyo, january 12th, 2004 |
seth and john, backstage in tokyo, january 12th,
2004 |
thanks to
everyone who helped make the tour happen/fun/etc. super special
thanks to yaz/c. jay/tetsu/jumbo/nambu/unk/rumi/and everyone who
showed up to the shows. i'm sure i forgot someone.

Anal Cunt with longtime friend yasuhiro koketsu (a.k.a.,
yaz/yas/yasu). left to right- yaz/seth/john/nate, somewhere in
japan, january 2004
the Anal Cunt soap opera continues. nate linehan is out of the
band once again, and replaced by john gillis (once again). we
might do some shows one of these days. we were on a show with
hirax in NYC in may, but we got kicked off. katon (hirax singer)
is gonna try and talk the guy into having us play, more details
later if we play the show. like i might've said before, if you
have any interest in seeing Anal Cunt at all, don't put it off
if we are anywhere near you. the band could fall apart at any
non-Anal Cunt stuff..........
(i think i wrote this following stuff about six feet under in
early january, i forgot) just when you think everythig sucks,
some awesome news appears now and then. i've been miserably sick
for the past 9 days, and then i look at and
findout that six feet under are planning on recording graveyard
classics 2!!!!!!!! this is the best news i've heard in a REAL
long time!! i will be in the record store the DAY this is
released. i can't imagine what "classics" sfu are going to do. i
really hope they do "bohemian rhapsody". if it's even half as
funny as the original "graveyard classics", it'll be amazing.
the first record i ever made was the "break the silence" lp when
i was in executioner (i played bass on it, i was in the band
about a year and a half, 1986-1988). it looks like executioner
will be self re-releasing the 2 lps they made onto cd (the other
being the "in the name of metal" lp, which came out before the
one i played on). when they get it together, i'll have info on
how to get a copy.
i've been meaning to see the movie "you got served" since it
came out 2 weeks ago, but haven't had the chance. it looks like
it could possibly be the worst movie ever made. i saw the
previews when i saw the movie, "bad santa", and it looks like a
modern version of "breakin' 2, electric boogaloo", which is a
pretty funny fucking movie. i'll review it if i ever get to see
i'm excited about the upcoming show: david gates, february 14th,
mohegan sun, CT.
i'm REALLY excited about this upcoming show: the darkness, april
3rd, boston, MA
if they still have it going on, make sure to check out "helvete"
night at the paradise lounge (boston, MA). if you like getting
loaded at a bar that plays hellhammer, immortal, and shit in
between, than it's a cool place to go on a monday night. i think
they might have it going on once a month, i'm not really sure.
good place to run into people you haven't seen in a million
i'm sure there's tons of other shit i'm forgetting, but i just
want to get this out there.
Anal Cunt got added to a show
at the choppin' block pub on huntington ave in boston, ma. we
will go on around midnight (so in case the singer from
buckcherry was watching us, he could say "it's after
midnight...."). other bands include adolf satan, some band who's
name i don't remember how to spell, some band with a dumb name,
and other local bands. the show is tomorrow, december 19th. this
will be the last AxCx. show until the japanese tour next month.
you might want to try and make it, in case our plane crashes,
and it turns out to be our final show. like any AxCx. show,
you'll never know what's going to happen, and every show has the
possiblilty of being our final show, so try to make all of them.
u.k. show(s) - never gonna happen.
quick reviews:
gayest song i hear on the radio regularly: "enemy" by sevendust.
easily the of the gayest songs ever.
worst, most useless, horrible song ever recorded: limp bizkit's
version of "behind blue eyes". it's so fucking awful, i can't
even think of a proper way to make fun of it. it sucks.
THE RETURN OF Anal Cunt !!!
973 473 3127
Anal Cunt have been added onto the
superjoint ritual/morbid angel/devil driver show at the
worcester palladium on november 7th. we will be going on first,
around 8 i think. this show is all ages. we will also be playing
at bill's bar in boston, MA on november 10th with adolf satan,
random acts of violence, and in dire need. we will be headlining
this show, i'm not sure what time we're going on. get there by
11 to be safe. if you only have the chance to go to one of these
shows, i'd suggest the bill's bar show. we should be playing for
about 45 minues to an hour (depending on how much time the club
gives us) at that show, where as we'll only have about 30
minutes at the worcester show. both shows will include songs we
haven't done for MANY years, as well as some some old songs that
we never even played live before. at the bill's bar show, mark
fields from you're fired will be doing guest backing vocals for
the songs that require backing vocals. lots of surprises, etc,
in store for everyone. in case you forgot, the current Anal Cunt lineup is:
seth putnam - vocals (band founder/dictator)
john kozik- guitar (AxCx. guitarist from 1992-1995)
nate linehan - drums (AxCx. drummer from 1996-1999)
rehearsals have been going very well, and we're psyched to do
these shows. the show with superjoint ritual will be the first
since we reformed. big thanks to superjoint ritual for going out
of their way to get us on this show.
we're supposed to do some shows on november 29th & 30th in new
york & new jersey. more details in a couple weeks. we also
might be having shows in england & italy in different parts of
february, details hopefully by the next update.
nasum has been added to the japanese tour we're doing. the linep
is now: napalm death/nasum/Anal Cunt /pig destroyer. the dates
january 9th - osaka/club quattro
january 10th - nagoya/club quattro
january 12th - tokyo/club quattro
AxCx. rumor - Anal Cunt might be doing a duet with damien storm
in spring 2004. damien storm is probably going to be coming to
the northeast for a few shows with Anal Cunt , and we will try
and record a version of the bee gees classic, "tragedy"
together. nothing has been 100% confirmed about the shows or
recording yet.
you're fired have a show coming up on november 22nd, i hope to
have some more details in a couple weeks.
when full blown a.i.d.s. recorded the 6 songs that are still
available for free download here on this site, we also recorded
a song for a duet with me & thor. the song was originally
supposed to be done by Anal Cunt , but Anal Cunt was broken up at
the time. so anyways, full blown a.i.d.s. also recorded a song
called "throwing cars at people on coke with thor" when we did
the other 6 songs. this song has recently been put on a movie
thor has starred in called "graveyard". the only thing is, on
the credits, it says something like "thor with Anal Cunt ", but,
the band is actually full blown a.i.d.s.. the music and my
vocals were done here in boston, and thor did his vocals
wherever he's from (northwest u.s.a., or canada, near the u.s.a.
northwest border). there are only 1,000 copies of this dvd made,
contact ed ( ) if you're interested in getting
one. it is basically a short horror movie (about 20 minutes
long). thor, d.o.a., and damien storm are also on the
soundtrack. this song will also be on the re-issue of the thor
cd, "triumphant", and maybe on something else too.
full blown a.i.d.s. rumor - there might be a 12" of the 6 full
blown a.i.d.s. songs that are available for download here, it
will be a split 12", the other side being lee marshall, with a
demo version of the song, "whopper boy" (the awesome version
from the 1990's, over 20 minutes long!). mts will be putting
this out if all goes well. only 200 will be pressed.
i was recently informed by somebody that someone has been
pretending to be me on something called "friendster". that is
not me. the only computer contact i have with people is with
this website, my email address that's in the contact section(,
the you're fired email address (,
or the full blown a.i.d.s. email address (
i don't post on any forums or message boards (except for the one
on the impaled northern moonforest website, which is at ), i don't have instant
messaging/aim/whatever that stuff is called. so, if you hear or
see anything supposedly from me on anything except the things i
just listed, it's not me, it's some gay with no life pretending
to be me. they usually try and mimic my way of communicating,
list what, well, fuck it, you know what i mean. like i said
years ago, the internet is gay, and filled with the biggest
losers with no life whatsoever, and fill their useless lives
pretending to be other people, talking about whatever these kind
of people talk about, try and pick people up lying about
everything about themselves. it's really gay.
the new impaled northern moonforest 7", "return of the
necrowizard", still isn't completed yet.
sorry to take so long to update the download section. starting
in january, 2004, i will start doing that thing i said i'd do in
the last update (having a new band/concept/something every
month). by the end of this month, i will have the song, "return
of the necrowizard" by impaled northern moonforest available for
download here also. it will make it's first apearance for free
download on the offical i.n.m. site, any
day now. after it has been on there for a week or so, it'll be
available here.
the Anal Cunt shirts available in the "shop" section, are now
available through me. same price ($15 postpaid in america, $20
postpaid to any other country), just send the money to:
seth putnam
p.o. box 650101
w. newton, ma
email me first ( ) just to make sure i still have
some in the size you want, and i'll put it on hold while waiting
for your payment in the mail.
six feet under - the living room, providence, RI, october 24th
i'm always surprised about stuff like this. i figure a band as
funny as six feet under would be booked into comedy clubs, but
they keep insisting on doing shows at rock clubs. anyways, since
coming to the realization that 6fu are one of the funniest bands
in the world last year, this has been the first time i've had
the opportunity to see them. if you didn't know, ever since the
whole incident w/ chris barnes 7 years ago (if you don't know
about this, it's explained in the f.a.q.'s section), 6fu haven't
played in boston (that i know of, anyways). so, i went, by
myself, to rhode island (60 miles/100km away) to see them, get a
good laugh, and hope chris barnes would try and fight me by
himself, or at least admit he's a pussy. i timed getting there
badly, and got stuck seeing 2 of the opening bands. the first
was behemoth. i heard their first cd years ago, and thought it
was funny, kind of like impaled northern moonforest with a drum
machine (i never got past the first song, so i don't know if the
whole cd is like this). i didn't like them. after about 30
minutes however, some big mouth was yelling at their soundman to
shut the power off in a wigger-like fashion. i assumed he was
with 6fu. i then noticed a hatebreed laminated pass around his
neck (hatebreed weren't playing, he was just trying to look like
he was an important homosexual or something), and thought, this
guy is definitly gay enough to be with 6fu. i asked the poor
soundman for behemoth if that toughguywigger type was with 6fu,
he said yes. next up was skinless. lots of people have told me
good things about them, and i was in jail with their roadie
once, so i was mildly interested in seeing them. i didn't like
them at all. luckily, i got into a long conversation with
someone, so i didn't really have to pay attention to them. they
finally got off. then 6fu came onstage to only about 50 people
(there were maybe 150-200 people there during the previous
bands). i stood right up front, in front of chris barnes, and
was looking forward to seeing them. they opened with "bringer of
blood", then did some other songs. after about 5-6 songs, they
mysteriously stopped, and left the stage. according to the set
list, there were around 10 songs left. of course somewhere
during the course of the show, i yelled the chorus to "chris
barnes is a pussy" ("chris barnes is a - faggot"). all i can
think of is that he was nervous, and afraid of me, and ran to
his usual hiding spot (the tour bus). i yelled he was a faggot a
couple more times outside the bus, then went home. i wish he
could've at least finished the set before running away. most
people there had no idea why they stopped for no reason
whatsoever. i explained to a couple people about our situation
years earlier, and that he was a pussy, and had to run and hide
in his tour bus. so, to wrap things up, 7 years later, chris
barnes is still a pussy. at least they did "murdered in the
basement", my favorite song from the new cd. i wish they did a
bunch of their hilarious cover songs. i think they should really
consider doing "bohemian rhapsody" by queen for their next cd.
it could really show off barnes' vocal range, plus, he's gay
like freddie mercury, so it would make sense. i'll bet freddie
mercury didn't run from all his fights. i'm sure he would've at
least slapped the other person with a pink glove or something.
twisted sister - webster theater, hartford, CT, october 26th
i haven't seen twisted sister in 19 years (last time was them
opening for dio, august 1984), and i was really looking forward
to seeing them. i heard from someone who saw them earlier this
year that they were really good. plus, i was hoping since they
were doing a headlining set, they would have time to do my
favorite songs from the first record ("tear it loose" &
"destroyer"). they were totally fucking awesome, they did every
song i wanted to hear, and they still sounded great. dee was all
over the place, full of energy, and his voice is still sounding
really good. a lot of people only know them for "we're not gonna
take it", but they actually have a real lot of good songs. check
them out if they come to your area, and if you're an old t.s.
fan, you'll love them. one of the best shows i've seen in a
well, the big news is with Anal Cunt again. unfortunately, josh martin can't commit to any of
the upcoming AxCx. shows due to a whole bunch of legal problems
he has to deal with, and he has no idea what to expect. this
really sucks, because i really don't want to replace him. we
actually had a full practice (me/josh/nate) a couple weeks or so
ago, and it sounded great. since we have a bunch of shows coming
up (boston/new york/japan/england/maybe others), i had to get
someone to replace him. so, the "new" guitarist is Anal Cunt veteran, john kozik. if you don't know anything about AxCx., he
was in the band from 1992-1995, and played on a bunch of AxCx.
recordings, as well as tons of shows worldwide. the first show
will be on november 10th at bill's bar in boston with adolf
satan and full blown a.i.d.s.. damien storm had to cancel, so i
put full blown a.i.d.s. on the show. keep checking the "shows"
section for more details on other upcoming shows. i really have
no idea what'll be going on with AxCx. after these shows. i'm
just concerned with getting through these ones, and worrying
about other stuff later.
Anal Cunt did a record called "i like it when you die" a few
years ago. on that record, was a song called "no, we don't want
to do a split 7" with your stupid fucking band". i've been
getting a bunch of people asking AxCx. to do split 7"s with their
(most likely, stupid fucking) band lately. i'm still not
interested. if there is a band we'd bother do to a split 7"
with, we'd ask them. it'd most likely only be with band's we're
friends with. we don't have any intentions of recording anything
new right now anyways, and we don't have any older "left over"
material that's worth releasing. go ask agathocles, or some
other band that'll release 43,987,584,375 versions of the same
song on a split record with anyone that asks them.
in the last episode (july update), i said i'd have everything i
ever recorded available for download. well, being a computer
simpleton, i didn't realize that it's impossible for the amount
of whatever (i don't know the computer term) i have available on
this website. SO (!!), instead, starting around november, i will
have a different "concept" for download every month. example,
maybe one month, just have angry hate songs & video for
download, the next, maybe a siege video, who knows. there's far
too much AxCx. stuff to fit at once, so, i might have different
lineups every month, or different this & that stuff. ALSO (!!),
just to be a dick, i will have some super rare stuff available
for download that i never thought i'd have available, for only 1
hour, and NEVER put it back up. this stuff won't be announced
when it'll be up there either. you'll just have to check this
website constantly. also, i'd advise not being lazy about
downloading and saving this stuff onto whatever you save things
onto. i am known to be erratic, and change my mind about things
constantly, so, if there's something you want, grab it right
away. it might never show up here again. eventually, all the
crap i've done that i'm willing to give out, will be available
here. as usual, it is free, and i don't have a problem with
anyone downloading it onto cd's (or whatever) and keeping it for
themselves. i didn't care about napster when it was around
having AxCx. stuff on it, and i don't care about anything similar
that's out there that you can take my recordings from. at least
here, there will be stuff available for the first time ANYWHERE
now and then. like i said, keep an eye out for the monthly "1
hour only download". i won't say what they are gonna be, but
it'll be some stuff i swore i'd never give out. once they're
gone, don't bother me for them either.
i guess wesley willis is dead. does anyone know if he ever
recorded the song, "Anal Cunt " ? he sang it to me on the phone
once. he started by saying "i wan't to sing you my new rock and
roll song called Anal Cunt ". it sounded like just about every
other song he had, but it was cool he bothered to write it. if
anyone knows where or how to get a recording of that song,
please email me at:
there's been progress in the impaled northern moonforest
recording of the upcoming 7", "return of the necrowizard". so
far, one song (return of the necrowizard) is complete. i just
need to get the vocals & keyboards done for the other songs, and
this overproduced future masterpiece will be done. i'm not sure
how many of the new record will be pressed. it'll be on menace
to sobriety like the last one. we might try and reach a bigger
audience this time, and maybe press 250 or 300 copies (the first
one had one pressing of 200, and a repress of 3 copies). then
again, we might try and stay true to our underground roots and
just have 200 pressed. anyhow, i promised the guy who does the
impaled northern moonforest website (see the address in the july
update, i'm too lazy to look for it now) that he can be the
first to have the song "return of the necrowizard" available for
download. about a week after it's been on his site, i'll have it
available here for free download as well. as for the other
songs, you'll have to wait. all the songs on the new record will
be translated in norwegian (attention posers: don't worry,
they'll be in english as well). make sure to go to the impaled
northern moonforest record release party in colorado when
impaled northen moonforest will play their first show since,
last years show in colorado. it's supposed to be on november
angry hate, insult, and you're fired all hope to record
something soon. i know i've been saying this for a while, but,
it'll happen eventually.
another cd has just been released by the death's head quartet.
it's a band i play bass and sing on, rob williams plays drums,
chris joyce on guitar, and jim hobbs on sax. you can order it
here: . i've been so fucking
busy, i haven't had time to finish a death's head quartet bio
for the website, or a full blown a.i.d.s. one for that matter.
i'm gonna try and get them done as soon as possible. besides
working a real lot, i still have 943858437 other things i have
to get done. basically, the death's head quartet is an avant
garde/noise/free jazz/whatever you call that kind of stuff/ kind
of band. like i said, i'll get some more info about this band up
shortly. we should be doing a show in new york city on october
26th at a place called "tonic". i'll have more info once
everything is confirmed.
the debut full blown a.i.d.s. show went well. look for a bio in
the "bands" section soon, as well as photos,etc. don't be lazy
about downloading the full blown a.i.d.s. stuf in the
"downloads" section, they won't be there forever.
michael mcdonald - august 9th, uncasville, CT
i got
there a lot later than i wanted to. the show was at the
mohegan sun indian casino, and it was free. "first come,
first served" as they say. when i got there, i was like
400th in line, and wondered if i'd even get inside or
not. they sit 6 people at every table. since i was by
myself, there was a table in the front row that had only
5 people in it, so, they sat me there. it was awesome, i
was about 5 feet from michael mcdonald! i sat next to 2
groups of people. one guy (with some broad), claiming he
was danny devito (but he wasn't short enough or funny
enough to be him), and a group of 3 nice "housewife"
types. they asked me before the show what my 3 "desert
island" cd's would be, and being an asshole, i said,
"how would you be able to play cd's on a desert island
with no electricity?". they later, between themselves,
asked each other who the 3 guys they could be stranded
on a desert island would be (with no surprise, no
husbands of theirs were mentioned), one of them said
"mel gibson (generically understandable), billy joel
(!!!!!), and michael mcdonald(!!!!!!!!!!). it made no
sense to me at all. so, back to michael mcdonald, he was
on tour promoting his new cd of motown covers. i didn't
care what he was going to sing. his voice is so awesome,
he could even sing hatebreed or limp bizkit songs, and
i'd think he was awesome. he sounded unbelievable! he
did some doobie brothers songs, some of his solo songs,
and some motown ones (stuff from marvin GAYe, stevie
wonder, etc). he sounded better than i expected. he has
easily one of the most unique gay voices ever. his band
was really good as well, they were all from other bands
that i never heard of, but, supposedly, they're well
known musicains. by the end of the set, he did "taking
it to the streets", and a whole bunch of civilized
middle aged people rushed the stage. he totally fucking
kicked ass all night. i highly recommend seeing him. |
seth at the michael mcdonald show, august 9th,2003
lee marshall - july 11th, allston, MA
as far as i know, this is lee's second show (the first being
when he opened for Anal Cunt last march). i think this show was
even better than the first one. he played for about 40 minutes,
mostly focusing on material to do with Troop 2. i can't describe
it any better than saying it was totally amazing, and he is one
of the best performers i've ever seen.
slapshot - july 13th, providence, RI
this was another typical slapshot show, the opening bands
sucked, i was drunk, and slapshot were awesome. they are always
great, and i'll still keep going to every show they play that
can make it to. one of the best bands ever.
lee marshall - july 31st, boston, MA
lee is getting more amazing with each performance. this was
decided to be his last performance until the cd comes out. he
told me before the show he has enough new songs for a new cd,
and is ready to record. he started the set slowly (momentum
wise), and kept buliding and building. me & gois (chris joyce,
co-producer of the lee marshall cd, also known as the guy
getting beaten up on the cover of "everyone should be killed" by
Anal Cunt ) were astonished by the material he was performing,
neither of us (and gois is a close friend of lee's) had ever
heard of him "talking" about these subjects before. the set
ended with lee totally unleashed and screaming his ass off. it
was unbelieveable. so, as the final of lee's 2003 performances,
each one was completely unique, and amazing in their own way. i
think lee marshall will be one of those guys who will be a cult
figure 20-30 years after he makes his first record. it's too
bad, he fucking rules. he is one person i will ALWAYS see live,
and not complain about taking a day off of work to see. see him
if you ever get the chance.
banzai (t.v. show) fox network
this is the funniest thing i've seen , maybe ever, on t.v.. it's
basically made to look like a crazy japanese t.v. show. there
are a bunch of contests, and people at home are supposed to bet
who will win. one contest was todd bridges (willis from
diff'rent strokes) vs. a dog, to see who could fetch a stick
that was thrown into a pool first. he must be savagely hard up
for $ to embarrass himself that much. HIGHLY recommended.
queer eye on the straight guy (t.v. show) bravo network
one of the best shows on t.v.. it's about 5 gays who each are
experts in certain fields (grooming/food &
wine/fashion/culture/and interior decorating). they get ahold of
some non-gay guy, and give him a "make over". it's fucking
hilarious, and the gays on the show are really cool. it almost
makes you want to stop being such a slob. HIGHLY recommended.
football - the new season (some gay channel)
i accidentally put a channel with football on it. i didn't know
football was all ready to bore everyone in august. it was gay,
and all sports are gay (except midget tossing). HIGHLY
bob welch - new cd
he re-recorded a bunch of his old songs. this cd fucking sucks.
people at my job talking about the weather - annoying people at
who fucking cares? small talk is gay, and the weather doesn't
change anything, except making those faggots from the red sox
(who i also hate people trying to talk about with me) stop
playing. i really don't care about a bunch of millionaire
foreigners and their dumb little game.
black people at a movie theater - 8/17/03
i rarely go to the movies, and out of the ones i've seen lately,
they haven't been the type frequented by blacks. i forgot all
about how they can't SHUT THE FUCK UP during a movie, and babble
loudly during the whole fucking movie. as much as they tried to
ruin it for me, i still liked "freddy vs. jason".
i wanted to do a review of the following shows (sex pistols,
scissorfight, aerosmith/kiss, and josh todd), but am too tired
to type it now, and this update has been delayed so fucking
long, i'm just gonna end it here, maybe i'll review them for the
next update. until then, don't watch sports, get loaded
constantly, and make fun of everyone.
seth putnam - 8/28/03
well, i guess the biggest
news to start off with is that Anal Cunt are back together. you
might think that's impossible since i said we never would get
back together, but we did. if you want to complain about it, go
fuck yourself. this time around, it's: Me - best vocalist ever/
Josh Martin - guitar/ and Nate Linehan - drums. we did a few
songs the other night after an Adolf Satan practice (josh &
nate's new band), and it sounded really good, especially since
we hadn't played together in 4 years. well, i remember it
sounding good, but i was pretty fucked up, so it might've
sucked, who knows. anyways, we will be doing the japan tour that
got postponed earlier this year with gaypalm death & pig
destroyer next january. we will also be doing some shows around
here in november. the only one booked so far is on november 10th
at bill's bar in boston with the amazing Damien Storm (from new
orleans) and Adolf Satan. i'll be working on getting a show in
new york city, and possibly connecticut around the same time.
eventually we will probably play other places, and maybe record
new shit. it's all up in the air what'll happen. we aren't gonna
burn ourselves out on it and end up hating each other as usual
(i hope). keep checking this site for future happenings.
the debut show for Full Blown A.I.D.S. is just around the
corner, august 15th at the chopping block pub in boston ( at 724
huntington avenue, boston, MA ). we are playing with Drug War
(ex-slapshot/tree/stomp box/etc), Watchmaker, and someone else.
there will be free full blown a.i.d.s. cd's to whoever wants one
while supplies last. you will also be able to download the first
Full Blown A.I.D.S. recording for free here at the site anyday
now. we will probaly be recording another 6 songs later this
year, and all 12 will be released as a full length cd, lp, or
i'm gonna have it set up so you will be able to download
EVERYTHING i've ever recorded (that's been released) for free
very shortly here also. there will be a bunch of unreleased shit
as well. the first
stuff i'm gonna have available is the full blown a.i.d.s.
recording, a post mortem rehearsal, then whatever Web Geek (the
guy who does the site for me) can get up here when he gets
around to it. i might even put a song or 2 from the first Anal Cunt demo (which no one has ever heard) eventually. i'm also
planning on having a bunch of free video stuff to
watch/download/whatever soon also. that'll take a little longer,
because i need to get the stuff copied. the first stuff
available on video will be the first Siege show i played (i did
2 of them, only one was video taped. it was in 1992), and part
of You're Fired recording the 7", and a bit from one of the 2
You're Fired shows. i'm trying to start off with shit no one
has, to make it more interesting, then i'll add stuff that some
people might already have. eventually, there will be a whole
bunch of shit on here. i'm still trying to get a way to get some
photos on here. the guy who does the website for me lives in
norway, so it's not like we hang out and i hand him stuff to put
on here.
this website isn't free, so, to offset some of the cost of this,
i recently licensed someone to make Anal Cunt shirts. there
should be a picture of them in the "shop" part by the time this
update is done. they are $15 postpaid in america, and $20
postpaid anywhere else. right now they are only in sizes L & XL.
i don't want to subject you people to annoying ads some websites
have to help pay for this site. i won't have any copies of these
shirts to sell personally. i only got one for myself, the guy
who does the website, and the guy who designed the shirt, so
don't bother me for free
"Return of the Necrowizard", the new record from Impaled
Northern Moonforest, is almost completed. the music is done, i
just need to do the vocals. it is very very very very very grim
and frostbitten sounding, don't worry. if you want to check out
a website exclusively dedicated to Impaled N. M., go to: . i will have a song on this site soon
to check out before the record is released (which will be at the
I.N.M. show in colorado sometime in late october). the song
titles on the new record will be translated to norwegian (note:
they will also be in english, so you posers don't have to
You're Fired will be recording new stuff for a split 7" with
Hirax before november. drummer john gillis will be touring with
today is the day around november, so we need to get it done by
then. no word on who's releasing the split 7" yet.
a friend of mine who's in the band, Vaginal Jesus, asked me to
mention that they are working on a new cd, that'll be recorded
later this year, or sometime next year. they might also start
shows within the next year also. they haven't played a show
since 1988 (with Anal Cunt , in connectciut, on AxCx.'s first
tour), so this is pretty big news.
another pal, josh martin, asked me to change a date from the
last update i did. the Adolf Satan show that was supposed to be
on august 19th in haverhill, MA, go moved to: Club Euphoria in
Hudson, NH . for other dates they are doing, check the last
update (in the "news" section).
Angry Hate hasn't been doing anything for a while, but recently,
at a reception after a funeral me and larry lifeless were at, we
decided to record a new Angry Hate song when the reception was
over. paul kraynak happened to be there as well, so we went and
recorded a new song ("satan wins"). larry did guitar and vocals
(as usual), i did the drums, and paul did the bass. i'll
probably have it up here on the site to listen to one of these
days. we are planning on recording a bunch of new stuff fairly
soon, and releasing it as bonus tracks, with all the other
recordings we've done, on a cd. we
have no idea who'll be releasing it. it probably won't be
released anytime soon though, since there is a full length angry
hate 7" that has to come out first. that has been pressed for
over a year, but the release is being delayed until the "13
bands who think you're gay" compilation 12" comes out on MTS
if anyone still wants a copy of the Anal Cunt 1989 rehearsal cd,
i still have some. email me at to reserve one. they are $10
postpaid in america, $12 anywhere else. and, if
you're looking for the You're Fired 7", email me about that
also, i recently got a few extras to sell, they'll be $5
postpaid in
america, $8 anywhere else.
i'm really excited about the following upcoming concerts:
lee marshall - @ o'briens, allston, MA - july 11th
michael mcdonald - @ mohegan sun casino, uncasville, CT - i
the date, sometime in august.
the odd couple (this was the play) - starring sherman hemsley
(as oscar) & some jew (as felix), stoneham, MA
we got awesome seats (third row, less than 10 feet from the
stage). this was originally supposed to star pat morita (the
herro from the t.v. show "mr. t & tina", as well as some other
t.v. shows & movie appearances) as felix, but he got sick or
something before the play began it's run. i hadn't been to a
real play in about 20 years, so it was something different to
do. i was psyched to see sherman hemsley as oscar. i didn't
really care that pat morita cancelled.
actually, the guy who played felix was probably a million times
better than pat morita would've been. he was a very good
fussbudget pest, and sherman was a very good grouchy slob. the
play was very enjoyable, and i had a good time. i'd say sherman
was better than walter matthau as oscar, but i'll have to give
jack klugman the title of the best oscar madison. i was hoping
to run into mr. hemsley after the show and ask him to call me a
honky, but i didn't see him anywhere.
rollins band (doing black flag songs) - boston, MA
i know a lot of people were saying "i don't want to see a black
flag cover band, rollins was the worst black flag singer, blah
blah blah", but i didn't care. with my work schedule, i barely
get to go to any shows anymore, so i'm glad to go to just about
anything these days. i'd go see a black flag cover band if they
were playing at a bar, so why not go see it with 2 actual
members (keith morris sang the first 8 songs, then mr.
"oooooohhhh, my mind" came on). yeah, i
saw black flag before a couple times too, but that was a million
years ago, so i didn't mind going to see this. anyways, i was
expecting keith morris to suck, and rollins to be good. it was
the exact opposite. keith morris sounded great. they did "no
values", "nervous breakdown" and about 6 others with keith, then
he left the stage, and rollins came out. rollins didn't scream
like he used to, it was more "singing" like, which i thought was
boring. it didn't help that the band looked TOTALLY gay. the
guitarist looked like some faggot nu-metal wigger. i tried not
to look at him, but he was always around. i found myself
daydreaming during the set, and hoping it would end. i'm not a
"rollins basher" like most other people, i think he used to
sound good screaming (but he IS a total retard, too many stories
to get into here). i didn't pay attention to who the whole tour
was a benefit for. i hope it wasn't for anything gay, i'm sure
it must've been if rollins had something to do with it though.
that's about it for now. bye, seth.
later today, impaled northern
moonforest are going to record our 2nd 7", "return of the
necrowizard". it'll be released in october this year at the
impaled northern moonforest show in denver, colorado. as usual,
mts records will be releasing it. be prepared to be scared!!
this will be even grimmer and more frosrtbittener than the first
7". i will be wearing clothes made out of ice while recording
it, and of course i will be very very very very very very very
full blown a.i.d.s. will be playing our first show ever on
august 15th, at the chopping block pub in boston (on huntington
avenue). i'm not sure who the other bands are yet. this week,
i'll be mailing the guy who does this website for me a bunch of
stuff, which will include some full blown a.i.d.s. stuff for the
"sound samples" section.
speaking of the "sound samples" section, i will also be mailing
him a bunch of never heard, unreleased stuff from various bands
i've been in, including Anal Cunt , post mortem, full blown
a.i.d.s., and others, as well as putting a bunch of other stuff
up there to listen to.
i know Anal Cunt are broken up, and i know i said we'd never do
anything again, BUT, it looks like we are gonna do that japanese
tour that got postponed last march next january. the lineup will
be me, josh martin (guitar), and hopefully john gillis on drums.
he's on tour now, so i can't get ahold of him for a few days. we
might also do a show or 2 around boston, who knows. after that,
we will probably break up, and NEVER play again (by now, you
should realize these words have no meaning anymore).
josh martin asked me to plug his band, adolf satan, on this
site. they have some upcoming shows:
7/23- o'briens, allston, MA
7/24- chopping block pub, boston, MA
8/18- the compound, fitchburg, MA (possibly with you're fired,
details soon)
8/19- exit 23, haverhill, MA
adolf satan includes old pals:
larry lifeless-vocals
josh martin-guitar
nick camilleri-bass
nate linehan-drums
here's the section for mindless rambling now:
show reviews:
the doors, april, in boston- i won tickets to this on the radio.
i'm not a real big doors fan, but i was kind of curious, and was
mostly going in hopes that the crowd would react violently
towards them. but the mindless morons in the crowd loved them.
they sounded good, but it was really stupid. the singer looked
and acted like he was sent away to "how to look and act like jim
morrison" school. he posed the same way, sounded the same, and
had his hair curled the same. i almost felt bad for him, until i
remembered he was the fag from the cult. i left after 40
minutes, i couldn't take it anymore. on the way to the bathroom
once, i heard some retard on his cell phone saying to someone,
"the guy looks and sounds exactly like jim morrison, it's
voivod, may 15 (my 35th birthday!!), revere, MA- i really wanted
to like voivod. they were one of my favorite bands when there
first record came out. i wasn't expeting much. it was nice to
see snake back in the band. the opened with "voivod". it sounded
like it was even slower than the lp version. i was drunk enough
to enjoy it though. then they did a bunch of new stuff. luckily,
it was in a nice club, with nice couches, so i just sat on one
and drank, while hoping they would get off soon. some einstien
across from me said, "these guys are good, but they ain't no
metallica". i informed him that they have been around for at
least 20 years (he thought it was jason newsted's new band).
"voivod" was the only old song they did. their new songs suck.
actually, the new metallica is a million times better than the
new voivod, so maybe that kid did have a point. he was still gay
movie reviews:
9 1/2 weeks: i know this is an old movie, i saw it on cable a
week or so ago. it was the stupidest, most pointless, gayest
movie ever. i felt like an asshole realizing i sat through the
whole thing. for some reason, i thought someone told me it was
good a few years ago. i must've been thinking of the wrong
dvd reviews:
the family guy 4 dvd set: it's good, get it.
JUNE 3rd addition:
you're fired ARE playing the show in fitchburg, MA on august
18th at the compund. other bands are kalibas, adolf satan, and
continued without a finding.
the you're fired 7" is
finally out. email sven at for more info. it's really good, get it!! we
are planning on recording more stuff in the early summertime.
drummer john gillis will be busy touring europe with today is
the day until then.
i still don't know what i want to do with the full blown
a.i.d.s. recording yet. i am currently planning on releasing all
6 songs on a cd around summertime. but, i also have some new
songs in the works, so we might record another 6 or so songs,
and make it a full length cd. i hope to have some full blown
a.i.d.s. stuff in the sounds section soon, along with tons of
other stuff, including never released stuff by various bands
i've been in over the years. hopefully, we'll do some shows
after the cd comes out.
the ondskap stuff should be done soon. more details as soon as
it is completed.
it looks like there will be a new insult recording later this
year. me and derek will be working on it very soon. rsr will be
releasing it when it's done.
the cuntsaw/sirhan sirhan 7" is gone/out of print. i forgot if i
mentioned that yet.
the Anal Cunt /gaybar split still hasn't been mastered yet. it'll
be released shortly after the "13 bands who think you're gay"
12" compilation gets released on mts. the Anal Cunt side will
feature a really tough cover of "tales from the hardside" by
biohazard, recorded on our 1996 tour, as well as some other
tough songs, including "i thought hitler was cool until i found
out he didn't drink" (recorded in 1999), 2 songs from the never
before released 1996 demo ("you own a store" & "bonus track #2),
and an acapella song recorded live called "out on the streets",
which is a tough song like biohazard would write. the gaybar
side will be a bunch of gays talking with gay music in the
someone's been selling the Anal Cunt /patareni bootleg 7" on
egay. the cover says there are only 7 made. that was a joke,
there are about 300 of those.
i finally got to see Buskin & Batteau in concert. there were
awesome. the only thing that bummed me out was that they didn't
do my 3 favorite songs ("papa you were a sailor","restless man",
& "when i write my novel"). i talked to David Buskin briefly
after the show, and gave him a copy of the "it just gets worse"
cd by Anal Cunt (because it has that song, "i'm really excited
about the upcoming David Buskin concert" on it). it turns out he
heard about the song, and he thought it was an anti-david buskin
song (it isn't). i told him it's actually the only song on the
cd that DOESN'T make fun of someone. his roommate is friends
with iann robinson (mtv guy), that's how he found out about us.
the song "outside" sounded especailly brutal when i saw them.
movie reviews:
Spun- starring rob halford, mickey rourke, the blond from
american beauty, that spic, some jew, and debbie harry....
this movie was pretty good. it's about a bunch of speed adicts.
the best part is seeing rob halford (he plays a porn store
clerk) reading a gay porn mag called "bath house b.j.'s". the
annoying parts were this new thing a bunch of filmmakers do, i
don't know what it's called, but everytime someone does speed,
all kinds of fast shit happens in the movie. anyone who has
snorted cyrstal meth/crank/whatever knows it doesn't hit you
that instantly. that was stupid. it's worth seeing though. it
was out of the theaters around here within one week.
Bowling For Columbine- starring that annoying liberal faggot...
michael moore really annoys me. he did make a couple o.k.
points, but most of it was gay. at least i wasn't bored during
the movie though. it kept my interest.
House of a Thousand Corpses- starring sid haig, karen black,
some hot chick......
this movie was boring. i almost walked out of the theater a
bunch of times, but kept hoping something cool would happen (it
didn't). it's nice to see sid haig getting work though. if you
never saw a horror movie in your life, you might like it, but
it's totally generic and nothing new.
not much to look forward to show-wise coming up. the only thing
i can think of worth going to is the Halford/Immortal show. i've
never seen immortal, i hope they do the 2 songs i like by them.
halford should be good. i'm gonna go see voivod, but i'm not
expecting much, especially after hearing their new cd (yawn). if
i get a lot of money somehow, i'll go the the fear of god show
in italy in june.
until next time,
seth putnam.
well, the Anal Cunt reunion shows
are finally over, and Anal Cunt is finally over. it was a
totally fucking pain in the ass, and i wish i kept the band
broken up. it's not the band itself that was the problem, it was
the whole business side of it, and dealing with unreliable
people. we only ended up doing 2 shows (boston & new york city),
and i went through hell making sure they even happened. here's
basically what happened with the whole reunion thing. first of
all, we were supposed to tour japan with gaypalm death and pig
destroyer. that faggot crybaby, jesse pintado form gaypalm death
claimed to have a "panic attack", so the tour got cancelled
because he's a little baby. so, that was a big setback. second,
we were supposed to record a new cd for earache records. the
drummer for the reunion shows was a good friend of mine from
germany, florian mahler, who was only going to be over here for
3 weeks, so timing was tight. i made it totally clear to earache
that we needed the money for recording by the beginning of
march, because i knew i'd be all stressed out about various
things organizing all of this, and didn't want to have to keep
asking them where the money is like i always had to in the past.
dig (the owner) sent me & the accountant an email, telling the
accountant to make sure i had the money by the end of february.
before the end of february, i sent them another email just to
remind them about everything, and they said not to worry. then,
it's march, and there's no money. i email the accountant. he
said he'd wire the money the next day. so, i thought, there's
still enough time. over a week later, there's still no money. i
email the owner, and he tells me i have to sign something, then
he'll send the money. i'm not against signing anything, but by
then, it's too late. by the time the money would get wired, it'd
be after the studio dates. if this were a label i could trust,
my friend at the studio (steve austin) could've easliy waited a
little bit for the money, and got the recording started. but
since earache have fucked us over again & again & again & again
& again & again, i didn't want to put steve in that position. a
similar thing happened when Anal Cunt recorded "it just gets
worse", and earache said the money was on the way. they didn't
send it when they said they would, and the studio guy (bill t.
miller) had to wait at least 4 months for the money. so,
basically, earache fucked us over, yet again. dig even had the
nerve to ask if we recorded the record yet and if it was ready
to send to them (like i have thousands of dollars lying around
to pay for the studio). since earache were going to set up the
england shows to coincide with the release of this cd, we are
not going to be playing in england now. we also cancelled the
fuck the commerce festival appearance since the promoter has
been an annoying faggot asshole cheapskate the whole time i've
been dealing with him. so, there won't be anymore Anal Cunt shows, ever. no more new recordings, ever (not even the "picnic
of love II" cd). then, on top of all that, the club promoters
from the 2 u.s. shows were giving me shit also. especially the
guy from the boston(actually in cambridge, next to boston) show
emailed me at least twice a week to tell me the owners don't
want the show to happen, they said we were banned for ever from
playing there, blah blah blah, and i had to assure the guy over
and over and over again nothing "bad" would happen. he'd
constantly remind me how i was wearing a swastika armband at the
last show, pulled a fire extinguisher on the crowd at some show,
blah blah blah. the new york promoter called once for the sole
purpose to ask me if i minded playing the show since he was a
jew, blah blah blah. everyday there was a new problem, and to
top it off, mike mahan couldn't even get the songs right in
practice, or even know how to read a fucking setlist for that
matter. it was the most stressful, annoying time i've had to
deal with in a long time. if it weren't for florian coming over
from germany, damien storm flying in from new orleans to play
the shows, lee from mts coming from colorado to see the shows,
and me really wanting to see lee marshall play live, i would've
just given up. anyone who knows me, could tell i wasn't really
into it when we did the shows, i just went through the motions
to get it over with. the whole experience made me realize how
much time i've wasted doing stupid shit over the years with
unreliable people, jewbag business people, and how i'm not
really into doing this shit anymore. i've decided to quit just
about every band i'm in. i'm no longer in adolf satan (they
recently changed there name to drunkard, or drunkerd, i'm not
sure on the spelling), upsidedown cross, & Anal Cunt (i hope i
NEVER get that band back together again. i'm determined not to).
full blown a.i.d.s. will probably never play a show. the
recording i just did, i'll probably just release myself, maybe a
hundred copies or so, give some to friends, and sell some on
this website. i'll still do the you're fired recording for the
split with hirax, and see how that band goes, but that's about
it for a while. after that miserable experience with Anal Cunt 's
"reunion", it's totally soured me on doing anything with music
at all. i probably just need some time away from it for a while.
the way i feel right now though, i'm totally sick of the whole
fucking thing. also, there won't be a dvd of the final shows. i
don't think they're worth releasing on dvd.
in other news, Anal Cunt (me and josh martin, doing songs from
picnic of love) played some cunt's wedding in the cleveland,
ohio area on march 1st. i was blacked out and don't remember
playing it. i remember the bride was a total bitch though. the
highlight was us doing "longer" by dan fogelberg.
some idiot i don't know at all emailed me to say he wanted to do
an Anal Cunt biography. the guy doesn't even know me, so it'd
probably just be hearsay bullshit. this pissed me off enough to
get off my ass and start writing the official seth putnam/Anal Cunt autobiography i've been putting off for years. now that
everything is finally over, i can start it. i've already got a
great start on it. i figure i'll give myself a year to finish
it, because lots of times i'll be doing something, and memories
will pop in my head, or certain things will remind me off
certain events. i figure after a year, i should have everything
finished. more details on that when it happens. i'll probably
get it printed myself. i already have an idea of how to not get
totally ripped off by record labels, but the book publishing
thing is something i have no idea about.
i'm really excited about the upcoming Buskin & Batteau concert
in somerville, MA, on april 4th. they just got back together
after a 14 year break up. they were one of the inspirations for
"picnic of love". speaking of "picnic of love" inspriations, i
saw another big influence on the recording live last february. i
saw David Gates (the main guy from the band, Bread) in
connecticut. he sounded awesome, but he was an arrogant asshole.
which i should've expected from the guy who wrote those sexist
Bread lyrics. he started off by telling the crowd not to yell
out any requests, so i yelled out "mother freedom" the whole
show, which i got a dirty look from him every time. the Bread
songs he did sounded amazing, his new songs sucked. speaking of
sucking, i won tickets to see The Doors. this show should be
horrible with that fag from the cult singing. i am interested in
seeing the show, however. i'm glad i got free tickets. i'll let
you know how bad they were, and how amazing Buskin & Batteau
were in future updates.
i have a small amount of the Anal Cunt 1989 rehearsal cd's left
for sale if anyone wants them. $10 postpaid in america, and $12
postpaid to any other country. email me at if you want one.
well, i'm back to work again, that has sucked also. everything
has been horrible lately. so, i'm assuming things can only get
better, we'll see. speaking of horrible, i'll be fucking 35
(!!!) years old in may.
well, first of all, i've been working a real lot of hours at my
new job, and i barely have time to do anything, so i haven't
been able to update this site as often as i used to. here's
what's been going on the past 2 months........
our japan tour got totally fucked up. we were supposed to tour
with napalm death & pig destroyer. anyhow, it got "postponed".
the official excuse i got from the japanese tour promoter was
that jesse (napalm death guitarist) had a "panic attack"
(probably when he found out Anal Cunt were opening for
them,hahaha), and he's not allowed to play gutiar or get on a
plane. the promoter asked if we can postpone it until may. i
said yes, but we'll see what happens. i'll update you on what
happens as soon as i can. i hope we can still get over there
sometime this year. sorry to any japanese fans who were hoping
to see us.
i FINALLY got some u.s. tour dates for Anal Cunt . 2 shows only:
march 17th
cambridge, massachusetts
middle east club (upstairs)
ages 18 and over
Anal Cunt damien storm (from new orleans, he rules!!)
you're fired (that fast hardcore band i play guitar in)
lee marshall (first show ever. this guy TOTALLY rules!!! i think
he'll be the best band of the night)
march 20th
new york city,new york
tribeca (or it might be called tribeca rock club)
all ages
$10 advance, $12 day of show (i think, check the website for
Anal Cunt damien storm
nasty disaster (awesome band from connecticut)
shat (local band, i've never heard of them)
so, there you go. these will be the only shows in america for
the 15th anniversary reunion tour. there won't be any t-shirts
for these shows like i had hoped. since the japan tour got
cancelled, it wouldn't be "economical" enough to get shirts made
for just 2 shows. i should have shirts done in may or june, and
will sell them on this website for those of you who can't get to
the overseas shows (tentatively in japan/germany/england).
during the period we are doing the u.s.a. shows, we will also be
recording a brand new Anal Cunt cd for earache records, which
will be in the style of the original band era (1988-1990). it
will be called whatever amount of songs get recorded cd
(example, if 345 songs are recorded, it'll be called "345 song
cd"). it will be recorded at austin enterprise by steve austin
of today is the day fame. AxCx. recorded their songs from the
split 7" w/ flachenbrand there, as well as 2 songs for the "13
bands who think you're gay" comp lp that might come out one of
these years on MTS.
if you hope to get a glimpse of some of your favorite AxCx.
fossils, it'd be a good idea to make it to the boston show.
obviously, me and mike mahan will be there, but you might see
some old favorites like fred ordonez, john kozik, paul kraynak,
josh martin, etc.. who knows, maybe you'll even see a very
bitter tim morse showing up.
the cuntsaw/sirhan sirhan split 7" finally got released, and is
out of print. only 101 copies were made. it is very unlikely
you'll be able to get a copy. i only have a couple left to sell.
the first 3 people who send me an email saying they saw this and
want a copy, will get one (one copy per person only). it'll be
$5 postpaid in the u.s.a., or $8 if you're from another country.
full blown a.i.d.s. finally recorded on january 3rd at new
alliance studios in boston. it went very well. one song is a
duet with heavy metal legend, Thor, and will be on the
re-release of his cd, "triumphant", and will probably be on his
new movie soundtrack also. the song is called "throwing cars at
people on coke with thor". 6 other songs were recorded also. i'm
not sure how they will be released yet. i'll be adding a full
blown a.i.d.s. page to this site eventually.
the you're fired 7" should be out within a month. i heard from
one of the guys at the label that the test pressing has been
done. there's an email address somewhere on this site for rsr
records. we have started rehearsing again for the first time
since april, 2002. there are some new songs (which we'll debut
at the AxCx. show), and we hope to record stuff for that split 7"
with hirax soon.
adolf satan have a show coming up, april 18th at a real tiny
place called exit 23 at 246 winter street in haverhill,
massachusetts. it's an all ages show, and we are playing with
watchmaker,hirudenia, and gorehammer. i'm pretty sure we are
going on first.
i recorded the gaybar side of the Anal Cunt /gaybar split in
january. hopefully, that record will be out later this year on
someone has been posting, saying they are seth putnam on some
internet bulletin board, called "". that isn't me.
the only boards that i post on are the relapse one (under "seth
e putnam". it used to be "seth putnam", but i got banned under
that name), the metal maniacs one (under "total bastard"), and
i've done a couple on the board (under "seth putnam").
if any other boards have someone saying they are me, it isn't.
there are enough dumb rumors about me as it is, i don't need
some hank pretending to be me on a message board.
some extremely unoriginal band called dick delicious and the
tasty testicles have ripped off an Anal Cunt song title for one
of their t-shirt designs. they stole the title "even though your
culture oppresses women, you still suck you fucking towelhead",
and put it next to a photo of osama bin laden. that's really
i hope i remembered everything. i'll try and get a new update as
soon as something comes up worth talking about. try and make it
to the u.s. Anal Cunt shows, and get their early for the opening
bands, they are really good. also, the clubs are small, so you
might want to make sure you get advanced tickets if you can't
make it early. |